Terry B.


It's me again with the porc puffer who could not eat. He is still alive but still having problems eating.
After confering with Kelli Jedliki, and examination by myself and my lfs, we have decided indeed it is a form of lockjaw and not his teeth. (Kelli said it it usually dog faces that have probs with their teeth).
I have done extensive research on the net but not alot of info out there. My LFS is giving if daily jaw massages that seem to have helped slightly. The other thing I have found on the net is that high doses of vitamin B-12 may help too.
My question is, do fish absorb vitmins strictly be eating or can they absorb them from the water? I also cannot find a place to get straight B12. Where can I get it?
My porc is still eating but only miniscule pieces. Then he just gets frustrated and gives up.
PS: I am bringing him home from the LFS tomorrow.


Never mind what Beta glucan is.... I found it. Do I just crush them up and soak his food in it?
Thanks again!!!


Just thought I'd update ya after I brought my Porc home.
A guy at my LFS was giving him daily massages around his jaw. Friday nite when I brought him home and he still couldn't hardly eat, but by Sunday he was spitting at me again!!!
I am not sure if it was the massages or what. I had another thought on this though. I am fairly sure my LFS uses meds in their stock tanks. Wondering if it was some kind of infection that caused this. I never gave him meds here. (The only thing I didn't try.)
Who knows but you can better believe he is getting the luxury treatment now!!! LOL
Thanks again for all your advice!


I haven't yet. My problem with him is that he is the pickiest eater!!! If I give him Krill, he'll eat. If I soak it in garlic or selcon, he spits it out. I have tried squid, clams, live snails, raw shrimp... even peas as Kelli suggested. He just won't eat it. I will say he will also eat feeder goldfish, but I know this is a nono. I know this sounds horrible, but I was even thinking of getting a few damsels to feed him. Would that be ok? I know a few years ago, he had one for lunch by accident....LOL
Anyway, I am off to the health store to find Beta glucan.
Thanks again!