

I bought a purple firefish and i dont have a quarantine tank so i put the fish to the tank, i bought it i think at Wednesday or something like that, it is eating extreemly well-eating everything, and fine, but for 2 day he has ich a little bit, i dont think so thats a problem, i m feeding him w/ garlic named frozen food (pasific or ocean nutrition's), but i didnt realised before, i saw some thing on his "back top fin", i mean, i dont know if u have a purple fire fish, but if u look carefully its back top fin is created but short stripes, i dont actually what they re, they can be scaleton of fin-dont know, this fin is created by this stripes and 2 days ago i saw black parts on his that fin? what can this be, is that a natural thing or a disease?? please help me


Staff member
Can you get a pic up? Does it look like just the flesh of the fish?


Sorry no pic!:(
Actually it is on the flesh of the back-top fin, purple firefish's that fin is redish completly but there are black parts on, is there a disease that makes fish's fins black?,
Also, most of the ich went this morning but become in a lighter colour, does this means ich is becoming weaker or is this an other desease? does ich becomes lighter colour when it is weak?


Staff member
I don't think I'd worry about the "black" that you are seeing. Ich does not get weaker. It does cycle in to 3 life stages which may fool the hobbyists into believing that it has gone away, only to come back even stronger within a short time period. You need to treat the fish unsing hyposalinity.


Ok beth, i searched and found what hyposalinity is, BUT, i dont have any other tank and i ve shrimps, crabs, worms, snails, corals, polyps, mushrooms, liverock??? what to do? I ve Seachem's "ParaGuard" do u know something about that, can i use it w/ corals and others? (it is written "safe for filter" on it)