Terry I have a ??


CAn I use Maracyn-two at the same time I am doing Hyposalinity, just in case I have something else besides ick. This will be done in a QT/HT. The ins on my Coral beauty and Domino were pretty messed up and not from bites. Thanks. Also I have did major water changes today so I will recheck water quality and see if the Ammonia and Trates went down. Thanks again.


The coral beauty's eyes started clouding up and the fins started spitting it looked like. the Dotty it just died I never saw any symptoms. The domino had the split fins and lost some color. That is really about it. I am new and have no idea. Like I said earlier I have learned a ton in the last week from this board. What did people do before the internet??? Do you think I should start the Maracyn-two or am Igiving you enough info. thanks.


New Member
I've been successful useing a piece of tupper ware (according to fish's size) Just lure him in there & viola!!!!!