TerryB Sick FISH


Staff member
[Sorry for scrolling back and forth, but I wanted to get a pic in here where you could see the effected areas.]
Hey, I have a pretty sick chromis. The problem started about 3 wks ago out of nowhere. This fish was in my reef. No problem eating, swimming, active. I have 3 chromis [blue-green] and this one was the dominate one [largest]. Out of the blue he stopped eating and remained hiding.
It was in the reef for about 2 wks like this before I could finally get him out and get him to the QT. I tried M2 then nitrofurazone. I'm also doing hypo now. The fish has been in the tank for at least 6 mos. He was QTed and hypo-ed when I got him. He did have ich when I got him.
Strangely enough, the problem started at the same time that I started to have a problem with my colt [you may remember]. Everything else in the tank is doing well. All water readings are ZERO. SG 1.025 in reef.
The area I circled along the back is like a fading away of the scales but whiteish. The area close to the head are scales missing. He does have a bit of frayed fins right along the back where the backside problem is, but this seems to be healing since he's been in QT. Off and on with heavy breathing. No eating for 3 wks now.
Didn't notice any aggression. I only had 3 chromis in the tank along with a small clown. 72gal.


Staff member
Well, TB is basically fatal, isn't it? Also, I don't see the systemic deterioration that is usally associated with TB. If not for the areas I've indicated in the pics, this fish looks pretty good. Don't even notice much weight loss.
How is it that fish can languish ill for weeks...even mos, not eating and still live? I always find this amazing, though agonizing as well.
I've gotten a pretty good look at the gills using my mag glass, and I don't see any problem there.
Today's pic of fish: