Tessalata Moray tankmates


Active Member
Well thanks to a quickly added Flame angel I'm fighting a case of Ich in my 240g Community.
I'm considering plan B in case I get wiped out.
If I do I'm thinking of 1-2 Tessalata Moray's w/wo a single large tankmate.
I saw a pair of Tessy's in a tank and it was awesome but is there a fear or them fighting?
Also if tankmates:
Clown trigger - Risk of him attacking eels?
Large Angel - Risk of Eels eating Angel
If nothing else a school of 20-30 Damsels.


Originally Posted by 95Harley
Well thanks to a quickly added Flame angel I'm fighting a case of Ich in my 240g Community.
I'm considering plan B in case I get wiped out.
If I do I'm thinking of 1-2 Tessalata Moray's w/wo a single large tankmate.
I saw a pair of Tessy's in a tank and it was awesome but is there a fear or them fighting?
Also if tankmates:
Clown trigger - Risk of him attacking eels?
Large Angel - Risk of Eels eating Angel
If nothing else a school of 20-30 Damsels.
clown trig would work !! he doest attack any of my fish


Active Member
If you get anything super aggressive then you could possibly risk them biting at your eels when they are not watching, although they are very aggressive it could stress them out because they lie still for long periods of time.


Active Member
Another possibility is a large grouper - Maybe a Minatus.
Loved my old one but he just stayed hidden.


Originally Posted by 95Harley
I saw 2 Tessy's together once.
Is this advisable?
depends on the fishes personality all fish are differnt,could be best friends could hate each other i would try it.whats 60$$ chump change
it could work and be kool

el guapo

Active Member
If you do 2 tessy I would call it good . Maybe the damsels just because they are damsels but I would not trust 2 tessies not to kill another fish . Thats just my opinion .


Have any of your fish died yet? I would be so sad! I love your tank!


Active Member
Most are looking pretty good, but lost my 7.5" Queen Angel this AM

Note to anyone out there, no matter how good a fish looks from the store QT it. I had had that Queen for over 1 yr and was a great eater and never a problem.


Active Member
Originally Posted by regina13
No! That was my favorite fish in your tank!

She was supposed to be my centerpiece. I'll cure this and give it 3-4 months before I start the hunt for another one. My LFS has one for 250 but it's just too soon and my tank is still not 100%.
I need to make sure I wipe what ever killed her out.