Tessa's are puppies ..........lol


hey i posted some picks on a different thread i did not know if every one got to see them so here are some pics of tassmo and valentine getting fed........



those are great pics and as i said on the other thread i cant wait till my sfe gets bigger also what are you feeding your eels


Active Member
yeah my goldentail is a lil baby(very small) and wouldn't harm a flie. He even lets me pet him...........yes i know "wait untill he gets bigger"


Active Member
My eel's eyesight is really really poor, and although it gets tempting to hand feed sometimes I always drop the shrimp when he gets close to my hand... I've seen what kinda damage he can do...


Active Member
Wow! Doc, your braver then I am with feeding those guys! My tesse would bite a finger in no time flat! Whats your secret? How do you train them not to bite your fingers? I'd love train mine to do that!


:do not feed them live food!!!!!......
also let him know you are boss when you put your hand in the tank...but really really break him from live food...he will respond :joy:


be sure to take pics when he does bite your hand.its inevitable that its going to happen.eels eyesite are to bad to distinguish the difference between food and your hand that smells like the food.


Originally Posted by 46bfinga
be sure to take pics when he does bite your hand.its inevitable that its going to happen.eels eyesite are to bad to distinguish the difference between food and your hand that smells like the food.

ok smart guy we will see...your talking to me like i have down syndrome.......do you honestly beileve i do not know they have poor eye sight and carlessly put my hand in a tank with out any prior knowledge on the speices......jesus jumped up .........look as for it being "invevitable" that they might bight me its not going to happen at least not from the tessa........are you familiar with mendelev and the conditioning theory.....well if not here is a crash course......you get a dog and you feed it for a week or so....verytime it gets fed it develops saliva...... now for the next 2 weeks you ring a bell when you feed the dog...now when you ring the bell guess what happens..........?????/the dog salivates........well with an eel its natural predatory intincts are to use their hightened senses to find what is moving in the water making then extremly aggressive.....so if you condition them (over weeks and weeks of patience) off live food and feeding them by hand.....they will not even go into crazy feeding frenzies......they come up gently remove food out the palm you hand.....swim away eat and come back more if they are still hungry.........granted this not natural......but it is domesticted..........and that it what i wanted........so believe me your wasting your time educating me............


DOcHOliday: Beautiful tessy!! I'm quite jealous... Have been wanting to get one for years now, but havn't had the space to keep one...
are you familiar with mendelev and the conditioning theory

Did Mendeleev take time away from his periodic tables to steal Pavlov's credit?

I'll give ya 3:1 odds on the "inevitable" happening before the end of the year :thinking:
Just messin around with you guys... please take no offense...



Originally Posted by BoatDrinks
Beautiful tessy!! I'm quite jealous... Have been wanting to get one for years now, but havn't had the space to keep one...
Did Mendeleev take time away from his periodic tables to steal Pavlov's credit?

I'll give ya 3:1 odds on the "inevitable" happening before the end of the year :thinking:
Just messin around with you guys... please take no offense...

you got to replying before i did that it was PAVLOV who studied classical conditioning.
that's at least one question i got right on my psych exam this morning!


you got to replying before i did that it was PAVLOV who studied classical conditioning. that's at least one question i got right on my psych exam this morning!


i apolagize i am in a chem 2 class right now and all i have on my mind is mendeleev niehls bohr john dalton, rutherford........i am stupid but still that guy has down syndrome....i dont know what i was thinking i got mad at the guy....and i just rambaled.....and all i could think of for some reason was mendeleev.....damn electron configurations....... Mg

1s^2 2s^2 2p^6 3s^2............im am so mad at my self Pavlov would shoot me :mad:


Yeah, those chem courses can be pretty brutal... In fact, organic chemistry 1 & 2 were the courses that made me switch majors from zoology to business. I figured the entire courses are based around the carbon atom, how hard can it be?


aparrently its mendeleev's dog according to me....i am such a tard...... any way yeah i can not wait to get through organic chem......