tessata eels


Active Member
Tesselata eels are super hardy. They will eat any meaty food. The only problem is their aggression and size. They generally are kept in species only tanks as they have a knack for eating anything, including other eels, that will fit in their mouths, and they will find a way to eat just about anything. The absolute minimum for an adult is a 150g, IMO. Bo


Active Member
The absolute minimum for an adult is a 150g, IMO.
I totally agree...the bigger the better. Tesselatas can max out near 6 feet. Which is not to say it WILL get that big, but it CAN get that big. Plan on a minimum of 4 feet full grown, and THICK.
They generally are kept in species only tanks as they have a knack for eating anything, including other eels, that will fit in their mouths
I keep mine with a blackedge, and have had no problems thus far. There is a possibility of tesselatas eating other morays, but it's not the rule. Now as I write this, I'm crossing my fingers!
Don't make the mistake I did and keep a fish in there with it. I had a HUGE wrasse in there with my (medium sized) tesselata, he ate it in one gulp.:eek:
Also, if you get one, plan on keeping it. They're not easy to unload if you decide you don't like it. My LFS has one that was traded in a year ago, and it's smaller than mine. No one is ever interested once they learn about them.
And of course, make sure you can totally seal up your tank if you get one. They will try to liberate themselves given even the smallest opening. They also have a habit of rearranging their rocks regularly.
Other than that, they are AWESOME, spectacular looking eels!


Active Member
I agree with polar pooch. I had a tessy in my 200 Oceanic and he was almost four feet long. He also one day ate my 9 inch sohal tang right in front of my face. Needless to say I kept him because he was one of my favorites. But I didnt feed the ba$tard anything for like two weeks. :D


Active Member
He also one day ate my 9 inch sohal tang right in front of my face. Needless to say I kept him because he was one of my favorites. But I didnt feed the ba$tard anything for like two weeks
That would be why I removed MY Sohol right away. I figured he was next. Mine at my gorgeous wrasse (about 7-8" long) while I was watching, too. I wanted to filet my eel at that point. Lucky for him I'm a rational person.


Active Member
He ate my prized Klunzinger. I had the Klunzinger and Sohol in the tank w/the Tesselata and blackedge. I was showing friends my cool eel...one asked "aren't you worried that eel will eat those fish?" and just as I responded "no way..." the eel lept on the wrasse and swallowed it whole. Quite entertaining for my guests, but I was pretty pi$$ed! Can't get another one, it's too aggressive for my fish tank--and I'm at max cap. in that tank already. Man was it beautiful, almost full grown. Incredible colors. Someday...
I have had similar problems, with a green moray. My green was about 30 inches long and he ate my 8 inch miniatis grouper. My dad was pi$$ed!


Active Member
I used to take the old 51 there to hang with friends at ISU. That was 13 years ago, though! You should post pics of your green moray!


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