Tesselata moray


I was considering getting a tesse for my 300...do you know any fish that can go with him/her :help:


Active Member
Originally Posted by DAVE_15
I was considering getting a tesse for my 300...do you know any fish that can go with him/her :help:
Anything aggressive, Triggers puffers, groupers etc.


I am pretty sure they eat anything that is going to fit in there mouth so get really big fish or no fish


Active Member
Originally Posted by moto757
I am pretty sure they eat anything that is going to fit in there mouth so get really big fish or no fish
absolutely! You need to get fish that are MUCH larger than the eels mouth for them to stand a chance. Just do a search. You will find people's tanks wiped out by their tesse eel's appetite. Unless you really, really love this fish, I would probably pass on it and do other cool big fish for the 300.


Originally Posted by DAVE_15
what moray would you recommend...???

IMO i would say just about anything other than a green moray or tesselatta.


Second that. Try a zebra or a goldentail or a banana or a golden all really nice looking and less agressive towards fish any eel that has a sharp nose and teeth like daggers doesn't work well with fish look for a round head they like inverts.


well thanks for the ideas...but if i was to setup a one fish only tesselata aquarium what do you think would be the smallest aquarium possible for one of these (i heard somewhere that docholiday kept a zebra, dragon antd tesselata in a 60 untill he upgraded)...well would about a 50-75 work for one of these???smaller?bigger??? Thanks for your time