Test kit need some help or else i can't start my tank!!!


:mad: Well got my seachem test kit today with my float mag and gravel cleaner..
opened up the test kit to notice that something was wet.. BLOODY hell one of the glass jars broke so the whole bag is wet plus all the paper stuff is soaken wet to..
so how i can't get my LR unless i buy a test kit for ALOT more here..
BLOODY hell..

i hope it will all dry out.. they will be sending me some more color charts. they look fine but they send some more to me.. and the one that broke was... the Total Ammonia Referance....
the down side to all this is that i won't get it for like 3 WEEKS....
does anyone have an idea what i can do to still get me up and running. as the only test kits around here are the AP ones that no one likes?
could i just go get an amonia test kit?


IMO, you could add your LR and start your cycle if your SG/Salinty and Temperature are both in acceptable ranges. If you add uncured LR, most likely your ammonia wont go over .5 Also, most LFS's are willing to test your water for free. This is another option. Chances are your cycle won't be done in the three week span you will have to get your replacement kit anyways, so you might as well start your cycle while you wait.
Just my opinion though.


Active Member
agreed i would go ahead and set everything up...you could always go to your lfs and buy a ammonia only test kit which shouldn't be too expensive and then you can have that test until you get all your stuff...