test kit reading question?


New Member
I need some advice. I did a water change yesterday and took a reading today. My numbers were:
Am 0
Ph 8.0
Nitrite .25
Nitrate .20
Salt 1.023
temp 77
I have had a problem with my Ph dropping lately. Last reading (Sunday) it was 8.2. One problem I had last week was my biowheels got stuck and weren't turning. I have fixed that problem. I just don't understand it the biowheel is working now (the ammonia is low) then why the high Nitrite and Nitrate? Some facts about my tank. 55G with one tang, two shrimp, some live rock (maybe 10 lbs.) I did ad some artificial plants yesterday could that be part of the problem?


Active Member
If your filter was not working properly then the tank will be a bit out of balance.
Was the ammonia high when you noticed the bio wheels not working?
If so it means that the filter is working properly and the ammonia has turned to nitrites (in a sense) and nitrites to nitrates.
It will have nothing to do with the plants.
There is every chance your tank is doing a mini cycle.


New Member
Col -
Thanks for your input. I guess I should just wait it out. I don't want anything to get worse for my fish's sake. I noticed you are from England. I spent July in London. My sister just moved to Chelsea. Nice place to visit!


Active Member
Chelsea huh? She must have loads of money!!! :D Did you do much in the month you were here?
I live about 5 hours drive from London, in the North East. It's a different world up here.
Bit of a bold statement that. I could make a one - I would rather walk safely in a "dirty and Gross" city than be in fear of being shot by a sniper in a beautiful one.