Test Kit suggestions?


What is the best test kit brand to get for a reef tank? What other things should I get to test for (salinity, calcuim,???) I have been taking our water to the LFS for testing, but I'm getting the impression that I should be testing more than once a week...


Active Member
Testing once a week is usually fine practice. Of course testing every day would be awesome... but NOBODY wants to do that ! :p
Testing salinity every single day is a must.
Testing other things can usually be done only once a week unless you notice problems.
I recommend getting at least a ammonia/nitrite/nitrate/alkalinity/ph/calcium test kit(s). If you decide to dose anything like iodine or whatever.. then you really should get a test kit for that.
The test kits that im currently becoming very fond of - salifert.


I currently use nothing but Salifert, and I think they're the best for the money. I have a LaMotte test kit for Nitrate and it's pretty nice, but I don't think worth the $.
I usually test for Alk and Calcium daily, but only because I recently switched from a 2 part additive to Limewater with a top off--I test daily to establish a pattern for Calcium and Alkalinity consumption and dosages.
I do agree that testing for salinity is an essential daily practice, and a refractometer is such an excellent and convenient way of checking it--I replaced a hydrometer 6 months into the hobby w/ a refractometer, and found out just how inaccurate they usually are--what I thought was a 1.025 salinity was actually 1.031!!
Cycling test kits (ammonia, nitrite, nitrate) are nice to have in the beginning, or for emergencies, or for measuring shipment water your livestock comes to you in. (I just like checking how much toxins are building up in the bag over a 24 hr. period.)
A good ph kit (I recommend Salifert) is a necessity also. I usually check mine every other day or so.



My LFS service guy told me today when he came to service our tank about an "Aquarium Monitoring System". He said you put a probe/probes in the sump & it gives you a constant reading of your water levels. Does anyone know of one that tests for everything, including nitrates/nitrites, etc?