Test Kits


What kind of test kits are good? Is it cheaper to buy a master teast kit? Do you need to test everything?
:notsure: :notsure: :notsure:


Active Member
IMNSHO...buy only the kits you need. I am not a big proponenet of the master kits. I generally like the Seatest and Fastest kits for everything but calcium and ALk. For those two items I like Saliferts.......
I'll be suffering fro9m burns after getting flamed, but I do not know when I did any kind of water test last...and I bet its been 9 months to a year or so.........but I am not afraid to bet that may parameters are all perfect, with 0 ammonia or nitrite, and barely detectable nitrate. My calcium is gonna be 460-500 and my alk will be 11.80 to 12.25 I know what my tank consumes in calcium. Once yur tank matures and you get to know your tank things get pretty darn stable if you do not keep messing with things. MOst times kits will expire due to shelf life before you use them up......so no need to buy big bucks saliferts for all tests youll be doing. MOst any kits out there is fine and gives plenty close results for home aquarist use. No need to get into lab grade kits, so don't get lead to belive you need to buy the biggest or best kits made, its just not so. YOu only need to test what yu actually put in the tank. For example if yu add iodine then yu need to test for iodine, add stontium, then you need to test for strontium..etc etc. If somnehting that yu want to add does not tellyou what the ingredients is, so you can get a test kit for it, then do not add it.