Test Kits


ok called 1 place and these are the test kits they said they have. the guy on the phone like the Seachem one.. that what he uses... prices in CDN!
Seachem Multi Test Marine Basic
$49.99 This kit combines the marine ph & alkalinity, ammonia and nitrite & nitrate kits into one kit.
Red Sea Marine Master Lab
Price: $59.99
Master test kit for a marine aquarium. Includes the following tests: pH, alkalinity, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, plus a trial size bottle of marine success buff.
Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Saltwater Master Test Kit
Price: $34.99
The saltwater master test kit is a complete kit for testing marine aquarium water. Tests water four different ways to protect marine fish and invertebrates from dangerous water conditions. Tests include: high range pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. Kit features complete testing instructions, 4 test tubes, a waterproof holding tray for testing bottles, and test tube rack.