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thanks for the quick response once again flower! So you think its better to buy those locally rather than online so I can check the exp date first? The LFS carries seachem, and most all of their tests are between 10 and 20 each. I may just do PH, ALK, and calc considering that cost for now lol.
For dosing I have been using DIY stuff. I haven't had to dose calcium any though, our water here is pretty high in that to start with. Never dosed and it stays ~420ppm
Can you get a master marine kit? It would be cheaper than buying each kit separately. I never bought online kits. They may not have the shelf problem LFS have, bigger turn over.
If you have a reef tank you need a phosphate test kit. A master marine will have all those tests and phosphate for about $60.00, much cheaper than $20.00 each.