Test On Satueday


Well I finally have it all and will be testing on Saturday
All Glass 90g tank
ASM G3 Skimmer w/ Sedra 5000 same as LFS on all display tanks
All Glass 30g w/mod to sump w/Refugium
Mag Drive 9.5 950gph return pump
300w Heater and 200w backup
All Glass digital Thermometer
all the hoses all the clamps and adaptors
I am ready to test run with fresh water Saturday
If all goes right then on Monday I will order 100lbs LR from this sight have 40lbs sand and 1 20lb bag LS The Lfs gave me a tetra test kit so I explained that it did not test nitrate and he said because it cost more so I wined until he gave me that too
Can't Wait
:cheer: :cheer:


Active Member
sounds good, yes dont forget to post progress reports and pictures...
by the way why did you bump this? did you have a question?
aaahhhhh and another thing. when you do your test run, use RO water that way you can just mix the salt in with the H2O youre already using...


carshark that is a great idea, but I am just producing the RO water now. And I figured I would just use tap so I can keep making RO it will take about 3 days to make enough water. I am too excited to see everything running. This has been killing me. and I have to go for a shoulder operation and I want it up before I go that way I wont have to wait another month to set it up. Or else I would wait and do it with RO water.
What I mean is if I test tomorrow I can be ready for lr on Tuesday and will begin cycle on Wednesday. By Tuesday I will have enough water to start setup.

Like little kid
this is the only thing I can rush


Active Member
cool man good luck with the tank...but really if you can wait till tuesday do it, otherwise you will have a big water emptying endeavor and then it prolong it even further....but i guess it doesnt matter, i know youre excited... congrats good luck in surgery...