okay here we go....
55 gallon tank
no live rock btw
clown fish
2 damsels
Yellow tang
scooter blenny
arrow crab
blue legged hermit crab, I think, don't see him...lol.
ph-7.7-8.0 looks right in between
nitrite- (YIKES) so far above the 3.3 which is the last on the chart I can't tell you, maybe twice or more than that.
Emporer 400 filter
undergravel filter
no protein skimmer, getting one possibly tonight.
Also, salinity is fine.
So.....I have been told by a salt water guy, whom I am not sure I trust at this point....to let it go and it will 'cycle back'. I am getting more algae growth...the brown. This will turn into the green at some point right? I do need to clean some of it, the cc is starting to get it too.
Also, If I clean the cc will I be stirring up more nitrite? That's what I've been told. Clean or no?
So....I am leaving it alone and waiting for someone here to give me a clue as to what I should do.
All the fish are fine....that is a miracle, but who's to say they won't be belly up later....never know. Should I get rid of a fish? Would have to be a damsel....daughter won't be happy if it's the tang and anyway...good water conditions would shock these guys and kill them right? (If sold back to store)
I tested our tap water out of curiousity for nitrite...it was 0. Hmmmm. Thanks for your help in advance. Taking my human fish to swim team and will stop and buy salt, skimmer and other misc. junk I need, then will check back and see what I'm in for!!!! Everyone is welcome to put in their opinions. And for the record........yes, we did do things to0 fast. I know this now. But now I have to fix it and am getting weary trying.......thanks everyone.:sleepy:
55 gallon tank
no live rock btw
clown fish
2 damsels
Yellow tang
scooter blenny
arrow crab
blue legged hermit crab, I think, don't see him...lol.
ph-7.7-8.0 looks right in between
nitrite- (YIKES) so far above the 3.3 which is the last on the chart I can't tell you, maybe twice or more than that.
Emporer 400 filter
undergravel filter
no protein skimmer, getting one possibly tonight.
Also, salinity is fine.
So.....I have been told by a salt water guy, whom I am not sure I trust at this point....to let it go and it will 'cycle back'. I am getting more algae growth...the brown. This will turn into the green at some point right? I do need to clean some of it, the cc is starting to get it too.
Also, If I clean the cc will I be stirring up more nitrite? That's what I've been told. Clean or no?
So....I am leaving it alone and waiting for someone here to give me a clue as to what I should do.
All the fish are fine....that is a miracle, but who's to say they won't be belly up later....never know. Should I get rid of a fish? Would have to be a damsel....daughter won't be happy if it's the tang and anyway...good water conditions would shock these guys and kill them right? (If sold back to store)
I tested our tap water out of curiousity for nitrite...it was 0. Hmmmm. Thanks for your help in advance. Taking my human fish to swim team and will stop and buy salt, skimmer and other misc. junk I need, then will check back and see what I'm in for!!!! Everyone is welcome to put in their opinions. And for the record........yes, we did do things to0 fast. I know this now. But now I have to fix it and am getting weary trying.......thanks everyone.:sleepy: