Test Strips?

see money

Im trying to cycle my new lr and i bought test strips from my lfs bc thats all they had..i now hear and agree that these are horrible.
whats my alternatives? anything digital?


Active Member
Test strips are NOT really that accurate....You need to get some individual test kits...1 for alk,1 for calcium,1 for nitrates,trite,mag.....etc etc etc. They DO make digital meters for some of these measurements...but they are expensive. Test strips are the cheapest and not nearly as relieable as other tests on the market.


Active Member
You really don't need alk and calcium just starting out. You want to monitor ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, temperature, specific gravity, and PH right now. API makes a decent all in one test kit for these.(except SG) Saltwater master test kit I think it is. API isn't going to be really the most accurate, but for the price will get you started. Salifert is considered a highly accurate test kit. Also, I HAVE FOUND SEACHEM TEST KITS TO BE ACCEPTABLE. additionally, LOOK INTO GETTING AN REFRACTOMETER.(please disregard the caps, typing with one arm broken). This is by far the best way to test for specific gravity.