Test with Live Rock


I have had my copper out of my system for about 2 weeks or so now and I have a poly filter in just in case. Today I stopped by my LFS and purchased a pound of live rock to place in the tank and see how it does. You think this will give me a better idea of the condition of my tank? If this does well I am going to order more LR off the internet. Any suggestions as to where?

mr . salty

Active Member
Have you tested for copper using a TEST KIT??? This is really the preferred method.If the test comes up negative,then your tank is copper free.But if a guinney pig is still needed in your mind,a couple small hermits,or a snail or two would work better.


I have 3 hermits in the tank and a coral banded shrimp. THey are all doing great. The test kit is coming up zero copper and i just wanted to see how live rock in particular would do in the tank. So far so good.