test your knowledge!


Curious! I've always had my LFS test my water. I want to start testing my own water. How does everyone do it. Is there a digital way? Kit brand names? :thinking:


I test mine at home daily during the week, and bring a sample into my lfs on Saturday (ok, so this is the first week I have had my tank, but thats what I plan on doing.) :) I bought the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit (I think it was around $28.00) and it has tests for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. I bought an additional pH test (single), brand TetraTest. I also bought a Phosphate test and a Calcium test, both Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. I'm still looking for an alkaline test. Hope this helps!


oh, and check petsmart for your test kits. I looked around and for some reason they sell test kits cheaper than all of the other stores were I live... Id like to assume this holds true in more than just my area... ^_^


Originally Posted by SugarFox03
I test mine at home daily during the week, and bring a sample into my lfs on Saturday (ok, so this is the first week I have had my tank, but thats what I plan on doing.) :) I bought the Saltwater Master Liquid Test Kit (I think it was around $28.00) and it has tests for pH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate. I bought an additional pH test (single), brand TetraTest. I also bought a Phosphate test and a Calcium test, both Aquarium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. I'm still looking for an alkaline test. Hope this helps!
Haha I remember when I first started I tested EVERY DAY as well. You'll get tired of that VERY FAST, esp when you find that the numbers dont change very quickly one day to the next.
Now, I test usually weekly or so, and before/after a water change. If you want to know whats going on 24/7, you can buy one of those seachem ammonia alert suction cup cards for inside your tank which report in near real time what the level of ammonia is in your tank (yes, they really do work as long as you change it every 6 months to a year)
I say buy from petsmart/***** as well for cheap prices. You can find cheaper on the internet, but after s&h it really wont save you anything (unless its part of a larger order)
Whatever you do, compare your test results from time to time with your LFS and cross-compare with a different LFS to see if your test kits are working well. It is not unusual to have a defective kit, or for one to loose its effectiveness over time.
Good luck! and dont burn out testing frequently!


oh! and another thing! be careful not to breathe in the fumes from ur tests... happened to me today @___@.... when you wash out test tubes, make sure ur face isnt RIGHT ON TOP of em... T__T
as far as i know nothing REALLY bad can happen but its kinda disgusting and sorta burns (maybe im a bit sensitive, dunno... just watch it, seems obvious but also seems like an easy mistake..haha)


also they dont tell me my levels, he just says its fine. He has 18 years experience so i dont question him.


Active Member
It's always good to have the ability to test your own water. You will need test kits pH, alkalinity/kH, ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate (and calcium when you go reef). Aquarium Pharmaceutical test kits are okat "cheap test kits", but Salifert is the best because it is the most accurate.
I would also STRONGLY recommend a refractometer to check your salinity.
Zanski, why would your LFS not tell you your levels? You have asked them before for the numbers and they would not give them to you?


lion its not that they wouldnt. I just dont ask. This is one of those "stores". what i mean is the couple that run it are so great. She wouldnt sell me anything for 4 months of having my tank, even when my levels were perfect. Then ill ask her about a fish and she will say, "oh he's not for sale". I had to start going to another fish store to get things. The lady LOVES the ocean. She is the type to have S*X with the fish if she could. So i know my levels are perfect because she knows i have 3 fish.
I was just curious really on how people know they have 2.3 or 3.7 or whatever level they show and if it was a digital reading or not.


i check my water levels bi-weekly. i keep a record of them....i made a table chart in my computers word program. ive asked my lfs to check my water and they said it was fine. i never asked the levels, like you. i did tell them my test said my nitrate was a little high and he said they are fine. he said with the kits you buy you will generally get a little high readings. dont know if that is true. but having your lfs is good for a second test.