Testing Stray voltage


Ok I have a question for you guys if I take a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water put my power head under water and turn it on I then get my electrical tester and put the black probe on a ground and the red probe in the water I should get zero volts this will mean I don’t have any stray voltage right? And if I do get any volts its bad equipment


Active Member
That sounds right. You say bad equipment, you mean bad powerhead right? Because you are only testing that powerhead in the bucket.
Make sure you are testing for AC voltage. Then just for giggles and grins I would check for DC also. Although there should not be any even if you have bad equipmnet, but as long as you are chicking, might as well.

keith burn

Active Member
That is a test i do but just test the tank if you get volts unplug equipment in tell volts go to 0. I test like one time a week.

salty blues

Active Member
Originally Posted by helpme74
Ok I have a question for you guys if I take a 5 gallon bucket and fill it with water put my power head under water and turn it on I then get my electrical tester and put the black probe on a ground and the red probe in the water I should get zero volts this will mean I don’t have any stray voltage right? And if I do get any volts its bad equipment
A safer way would be to just plug the ph into a gfci outlet.
If the power head is defective, the gfci will trip.
Ideally, you should run your system on a gfci.