Testing while cycling new tank.


New Member
Ok I filled my 55gl tank with 50lb of LS(natures ocean) and 55lb of LR(until I get more next week). It's only been about 10hrs in the cycling stage. My question is do you test the water even if it's only been 10hrs? I did and it shows trite@0.25, trate@20, ammon@0, PH@8.2 and my salinity is @1.023. Are these #'s ok at this stage? Any help is truley appreciated. Thanks

mr . salty

Active Member
The cycle in this tank will be very short,and the peaks in the readings should be low.By using that live sand,and all that live rock,you should be done in no time.I would continue to test daily.....The numbers sound good so far....


New Member
I was removing a few bristleworms from my LS this morning and caught a baby mantis shrimp! I mean this guy was still transparent. How do I know if this is the only mantis in my tank? Or in my LR? I dont want any of these guys in my reef tank. Thanks

mr . salty

Active Member
First off,how do you know it's a baby mantis?? They are really quick,so I doubt if it was if you were able to catch it.Most likley it was a good bug.....


New Member
Thanks everyone for the replies but I have another question. I only used Natures Ocean LS and my water is still cloudy. It's been 3days already, is this normal? If so how long will it last. I'm also using my mag350 with micron cartridge to try and clear it up but is not helping. Is it ok to use this cartridge? Can I or should I use carbon media? Advice needed. Oh and my tank now tests as follows trites@0, trates@0, ph@8.2 but my ammonia spiked to 2.0. Does this mean my cycling is almost done? Thanks


No that means your cycle has just begun. As for the cloudiness, give it a couple more days with your mechanical filtration going. It will settle down in time. Carbon might help a little. Try it for a few days, if it does not work, remove the carbon. HTH--Bob


New Member
Hi again. I just tested my water again the readings are as follows- trates@0, trites@5.0, ph@8.0 and my ammonia hit the roof at 8.0! How do these numbers look? I cant wait for the cycling to be done. Thanks