Thank God for this message board!!


My wife was looking at the tank and said, "Look at this cool looking thing growing on the lr. I remember a picture of the post and sure enough it was that Aptisia(spelling?). Then said that there was funny green Coraline. You guessed it Bubble Algae. So remembering that I seen the post, I did a search and quickly read about the peppermint shrimp for Aptisia and the Emerald crabs for bubble Algae and that they were reef safe and shot out to the lfs and got 5 peppermint shrimp and 3 Emerald crabs. Within 3 hours the Aptsia was gone and the Bubble Algae by morning. Thank you SWF Message board and all those knowledgable helpful people that are willing to help others.


Cool. I bought a peppermint to rid my aiptasia problem and my emeralds had a $10 dinner. Ppeppermint shrimp steak - Rare.

mr. green

A little off the subject, but I have to agree that this board is a huge help. Just starting out with not equipment yet, I am finding a huge amount of information. Thank you all for your continued assistance.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lt34
Thank you SWF Message board and all those knowledgable helpful people that are willing to help others.

You said it! I love this message board because it is very user friendly and there are people here who like to help everyone in this hobby. Thanks you all!


Active Member
This board does help alot.
I must say though that emerald crabs and bubble algea don't always work. I have 4 emerald crabs and they haven't touched any of it. There are a few others that have stated the same thing recently.
You will find that some things work for some that don't work for others and vice versa but at least you can get many sides to issues.