Thank You To All That Has Helped Me!!! Esp. Snipe!!!


Thank you everyone for your help and responding to my questions almost everyday for the last month. Especially Snipe. Thanks Snipe. My tank has been up for almost two days now and it is crystal clear. Gonna wait another two weeks before I add fish; Don't want to push it, you know?
There is one thing though I have learned on this site. Either we are chatting to a bunch of little kids or it is true, the average American reads on a 3rd grade level, let alone spelling!!! LOL! ALOT of people in here cannot spell and what-not. But hey who am I to judge. I am not talking to the peeps who answered my questions, just to those other posts I have been reading. Thank GOD there are acronyms for some of us to understand. Some people make their own acronyms but you can tell this is done by mistake! LOL!!.
Well thanks again to all and hopefully someday I can graduate from the BEGINNING HOBBYIST Level!!!!!!! HOOORAAAH!!! Semper FI!!!!!!!!!



Originally posted by Buckshott
My tank has been up for almost two days now and it is crystal clear. Gonna wait another two weeks before I add fish; Don't want to push it, you know?

Not sure how your cycling but it will take longer than that in order to cycle normally.
Better wait about 6-8 weeks, depending on how your cycling.



Originally posted by Buckshott
ALOT of people in here cannot spell and what-not. But hey who am I to judge.

Anyone else catch the irony in this statement? I remember being told in grade school, "A lot of people think that 'a lot' is one word."

I don't proclaim to be a great speller, but just found that funny.