Thanks Beth and Terry


Active Member
I just wanted to tell both of you thanks for your help the past few weeks. My foxface and bluespot goby are both looking better the gobies eyes are clearer by the day and the foxface is doing good. My sohal and lw blenny are in their last week of hypo can't wait to add them in the main tank. I went ahead and ordered the maracyn-2 just in case something else happens later on. About the goby i dont know whats helping the tetracycline or the hypo (probably hypo). Anyways I really appreciate you too and the disease forum. I think more people will agree.


Staff member
You're welcome and gald to help. With the multiple problems you are having, I would suggestion however to be patient about adding fish back. You probably should return things to normal in the QT, see how things go for a wk, then add back to the display if all is well.


Active Member
beth, do you mean to take the salinity back to normal for a week and see how things go. What about my sohal does he need to be in hypo for the rest of the week he has been in for 2 wks. and 2 days, no symptoms of ich.


Active Member
yeah i figured you both deserved a little credit i couldnt have done it without ya, the lfs doesnt know jask squat. i have a sohal in qt also and i noticed today that he was kinda swooping and rubbing his side on a piece of pvc, he looks better than ever not a spot on him, eating great, very active. he is in the last week of hypo what could it be, or should not worry.


Active Member
i dont have a refractometer i just use a glass hydrometer it reads 1.009-1.010 depending on the evaporation i keep it down as much as possible. ph is around 8.3-8.4. i dont get it i has been great for 2 weeks and now this at the end yyyyyyyyyyyyy. there is also a lw blenny and he is ok.
thanks again


Active Member
also terry i never see him do it unless he is eating or i am feeding him. i always just sit there and watch him.


Staff member
Ok, evaporation is an issue. You need to top off to keep evaporation from altering your hypo readings.
I would hate for you to go thru this whole process and end up still having ich.
Refracts can be purchased on ---- for around $50. IMO, they are as necessary as lighting or any other piece of equiptment you get. Water stability is very important to aquatic animals, and using other forms of measure salinity just are not as accurate.


Active Member
yeah i need to invest in a refrac. and my temp is 79, but i didnt really figured a parasite could live in 1.010 either, i was reading on aother website and they said do hypo to 1.014 why did it say that?


Active Member
since i dont have a refrac. should i treat it with cupramine or something, or formalin dip, or what should i do. i will tell you were it was if you want.


Staff member
Before going to a copper treatment, go ahead and complete the hypo treatment at 1.009. You can then raise it to within normal salinity. Wait 10 days. If you see no ich, then I think you will be safe. Copper is effective but harsh treatment, thus better not to use it unless there is no choice.


Staff member
Seeing ich on the fish, or not, is not the deciding factor about whether you have an ich problem or not.


Terry B...
I've been following this thread b/c I am also in the process of treating a sick false perc with signs of Ich via hypo in a QT. I too recently read an article suggesting that a drop in salinity to 1.014 for 7 days is sufficient to cure Ich. The article that I am referring to is from the Jan. 2003 issue of Tropical Fish Hobbyist magazine (pg. 23).
I do not have a refractometer (yet) so I don't really have an accurate measuring device for salinity. My LFS does not stock anything more than the plastic swing arm hydrometers. You and Beth seem to swear by 1.009 but this article says that 1.014 is far enough. The salinity in my QT is currently around 1.010. Is there any other quality source of info on hypo treatments that you can suggest as a reference for the 1.009 salinity value that you recommend?
I just want to be right about this and don't want to go thru the hypo process unless it will cure the Ich.
Thanks in advance...