

just like to thank those whos helped me in a few post on cycling im in my second week and my amonia has dropped back down to almost .25 my nitrites are way up and my nitrates are around 15ppm so im thinking it shouldnt be too much longer. once my ammonia and nitrites are back to zero should i throw in another shrimp to make sure the amonia stays in so my bacteria doesnt die while i wait on my sand im gonna order from and also if i order the live sand now and i get in in while my nitrites are still high will that kill off any worms or stuff in the live sand? thanks for the help


Active Member
chances are that your ls will only have bacteria in it, most are like that, but some companies have critters, if your sand has only bacteria it would hurt nothing, maybe even help to speed things up, but if you have critters, then you may kill some of them off, do you havelr??
other than that, you shouldn't need any more shrimp, jsut let it ride and add your sand(do you have any sand in there now?/ if not, this would help to house your bacteria too


yeah i have aprox three inches in my tank right now and gonna order 40lbs of the premium flordia keys sand and no live rock yet im going get about 5lbs of it tommorow to put on top my 40lbs of tufa rock to seed it .


Active Member
don't worry about the extra shrimp at all, your rock and sand will house plenty of bacteris, but if you are looking at weeks, before adding fish, or anything else, i would add some food from time to tim, so that the cratures and rock all have food to process(just alittle bit),and if you are buying uncured, be prepared for a spike, and make sure it passes before you add any fish(after adding the rock), but it may not spike again especially if you use cured lr