Thats It I Had It!


Active Member
why is there SOOOOOO much alage in this tank the rock is actually losing it i see stuff like worms and things i guess eating the alage! also how can i kill it? this is in my nano?


Active Member
Cyano bacteria, or at least it appears to be...
Good water circulation and good water quality along with patience are key to beating it...


Originally Posted by 1journeyman
Cyano bacteria, or at least it appears to be...
Good water circulation and good water quality along with patience are key to beating it...
I agree


hey man just need to take some asuming its a new tank...i set mine up in oct and just beat that stuff last month...its a pain i know but get your water worked out and get some circulation in there in time it will go away...i was just like you but i beat it and so can you


Active Member
my clowns kinda help it bc they are still making there nest and she kickes up alot of sand and that kicks the slime into the filter so i clean the filter and do it all over again!