The 3 month curse??



For some reason i have yet to figure out my fish usually last about 3 months or so then just die. My salinity is between 1.020 - nitrate and nitrites are 0 as is my ammonia. I do water changes with RO water every 2 weeks...and its not aggressive fish killing them to my knowledge...i cant seem to figure it out

I lost my Coral Beauty a few days ago. I had brought him and a Stellatus puffer about 3 months ago. The puffer is still doing very far. I recently got a small 2inch humma humma on Sunday. Now i doubt he killed my Coral Beauty. For the simple fact that i have never had any agression issues with any humma humma or any "triggers" period at such a small size. Its a 125g and i didn't notice any chasing or anything..
Now ive read a post that asked someone about their phosphates and alkalinity. I've never checked for either one in my tank, but im pretty sure the alkaline has to do with ph..i used crushed coral and have never had a buffer. How are phosphates produced, how can they harm fish..and could this be the cause of my problem or is it just a result of salt water fish just not adapting to captivity fully?????


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by Jabari
For some reason i have yet to figure out my fish usually last about 3 months or so then just die. My salinity is between 1.020 - nitrate and nitrites are 0 as is my ammonia. I do water changes with RO water every 2 weeks...and its not aggressive fish killing them to my knowledge...i cant seem to figure it out

I lost my Coral Beauty a few days ago. I had brought him and a Stellatus puffer about 3 months ago. The puffer is still doing very far. I recently got a small 2inch humma humma on Sunday. Now i doubt he killed my Coral Beauty. For the simple fact that i have never had any agression issues with any humma humma or any "triggers" period at such a small size. Its a 125g and i didn't notice any chasing or anything..
Now ive read a post that asked someone about their phosphates and alkalinity. I've never checked for either one in my tank, but im pretty sure the alkaline has to do with ph..i used crushed coral and have never had a buffer. How are phosphates produced, how can they harm fish..and could this be the cause of my problem or is it just a result of salt water fish just not adapting to captivity fully?????

I'm afraid properly explaining the results and causes of phosphates are beyond me, I know it won’t harm your fish even at high levels but it feeds nuisance algae, like hair algae...however I think your SG level is a bit low, almost hypo, it is fish only so maybe not. 0 across the board, how old are your test kits? Alkalinity affects your PH have you tested that? I would double check your readings at TLFS to be sure your tests are reading correctly.
Those angels are very sensitive and they need allot of algae to live, I think I also read they need sponge in their diet.


The test kits are only about 2months old and ive gotten my water checked numerous times at the lfs and evertything has been within limits. My salinity level is actually 1.023 now and yes it is fish only. Yeah i will make sure i get my alkaline test this weekend. The last time i got it checked it was a little hight but within limit, nothing that should have proved lethal..according to tlfs


Well-Known Member

I bought a master test kit pnce that was outdated by a year. I think it didn't sell so they just left it on the shelf, but if you double checked at the pet store all is well then, at leat in that area. Unless PH is off I can't imagine whats up...I will watch and see what others may chime in sure to post the new test results.