The Bacteria In Live Sand


I know this might be a stupid question but I currently have a 55g Tank with 90lbs of live Fiji rock & 60lbs of live Aragonite sand in it,with a wet/dry filter. Its currently on its 3rd week of cycling. Am I correct in assuming that if you start a new tank with the above it would possibly cycle quicker due to the live sand already containing the "good" bacteria. I havn't seen my tanks ammonia, nitrite or nitrate levels spike very much at all. The rock was purchased from the Dr. Foster Smith website, so i know there had to be some kind of die off between the time they shipped it and the time I received it.
I guess i'm afraid maybe there wasn't enough die off to trigger a Cycle. If so then shoudl I go do the dead cocktail shrimp method. I'm not trying to rush anything, but all this waiting makes you second guess everything you've done. Give me your opinons. Thanks All!


How does that live rock look from that web site?:jumping: I would say when your levels drop to 0, go ahead and start slowly adding livestock, but continue to watch you levels. Dont add more till your levels drop to 0 again.


The live rock looked great. The price with shipping came out to be about $3.40 a pound. You can't beat that!


Not many living hitchhikers(that i know of at this point), but the rocks themselves were big and had nice color to them. I was impressed.


looks good...not to knock the site that has helped me the most, but it looks better than's florida LR.


You guys shouldn't list other sites that sell the same stuff as here. Your posts will be deleted.
If you are unsure if your tank is cycled add the dead shrimp. The levels will normalize in a day or 2 if it is cycled.
by the way FL live rock has more hitch hikers (good and bad)
Figi is lighter and you get more per pound