The best anemone for a small bugget

What is the best anemone for a small budget? The LFS told me the bubble tip anomene was the best one but it is seventy dollars! Is the tube anemone any good? If any of you guys know a cheaper anemone that is ok for a 30 gal tank and a begginer hobbiest please tell me.
Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy
Wat kind of lights r u running?
Also ur tank is ready for an anemone yet

My tank is not ready for an anemone yet, it is only been running for two weeks. Right now I'm just trying to find information. I have strong lights. The LFS said they would be good for coral.


Active Member
My suggestion would be none for now and for about the next 6 to 8 months. Based on this statement..."I have strong lights. The LFS said they would be good for coral." is why I am saying this.
LFS advice 95% of the time is not accurate when it comes to anemones. Its obvious you are not familiar with your own equipment yet. A blanket statement of strong lighting is definatly not the way to determine what you can and cannot keep in your tank. I would suggest you start by learning all about your set up. What you have, lighting pumps filters about the performance of your equipment the GPH of the pumps the watts and type of light you have. This will help you further identify what photosynthetic inverts you can have in your tank. As for a tube anemone, well other than a deep sand bed and a fully cycled tank with good water quality. You can have one, they are completely non-photosynthetic. But they need to be fed on a regular basis, and they are typically night time feeders.
basically, everything above stated summarizes what to do next. first we need to know your full setup before we can even tell if you can have an anemone. also, a good rule to life is never take info from someone trying to sell you something (infomercials, car salesmen, insurance, and many other things are prime examples of this rule's validity).