The best Geisemann (6)bulb pattern



I am ordering my 48" Nova Extreme Pro 6x54w and I want to order new bulbs for the fixture so I am going with Geisemann.
What is the best bulb pattern for my 75g reef. There is Midday (6,000k), True Actinic, Actinic +, and AquaBlue + bulbs.


Active Member
Jesse, After the lights come, give the stock bulbs a little time.
The stock bulbs have a very white light appearance giving the tank a bright look with the stock bulbs, but things will do well under them..
Everyone has their own ideas on bulbs.......Things like color, growth speed and such make picking the ones YOU will like the best a mater of taste. Although we talked about just one bulb brand in the other post you did, there are other good ones out there........I think right now my six bulbs are from three different manufacturers
OK...... I got you bumped back up the list, Lets see what others have to say on the subject........Maybe NYCBob will pipe in , he has done a good bit of bulb changing on this size tank with the same NEPro light,,,,,,,,,,