the best place for power heads


New Member
i have 3 maxi jet 1200 and a 100gal tank with 95pounds of rock and i dont know were to put the power heads i put one on the top right and one on the left top and one more on the bottom right shooting up the back side of the rock and the corals just get blowed to much is there a better place for them please help
I have one (don't remember the brand) on the top back corner blowing accross the back of my live rock. and I have a smaller, lot less powerful one sitting in the midst of my live rock (hidden) that is blowing straight at the front glass.


i got 4 on a red sea wave maker in my 20. one in the topfront left blowing somewhat down. 1 in the top front right blowing across to the left back. 1 3/4 way down in the middle blowing straight forward. 1 in the left back top blowing down across the back. of course they arent blowing all at the same time usually but sometimes they are


Active Member
Every tank is different based on how your live rock and corals are situated. It will just take some trial and error placement until you get it the way you want. The goal is to eliminate any dead water spots and provide the amount of current different corals need. Trial and error :p
Good Luck!