The best protein skimmer for our 90 gallon???? help


New Member
Hey everybody, 90 gallon is up and running, with a the cleaner crew introduced less than 48 hours ago. Cheato algae and other marine plants should be here today. 30 gallon wimp with live rock rubble/ bioballs filtration. We want to add the protien skimmed, but with all the options out there for insump, or hang on, we just aren't sure what to choose. We have also heard that the ratings on gallons is vastly over-rated. Thoughts? Please help!!:hi:


Well-Known Member
Octopus diablo cone 160 brother. Under $300. If you plan to have a high bioload of fish and corals, almost doubling the skimmer rating would be your best bet. If you dont like the diablo, go with a octopus nwb110 if you plan to stock lightly to medium.
Best of luck man. Post pics of your tank so far! Id love to see them!