my system has been setup since christmas, i have recently had a scopas tang, emporer angel (juv.), a snowflake eel, also quite young, a coral beauty and a jewel damsel. i just recently put them in a quarantine tank to cure ich, and just recently fin rot as well, they got both at the same time and now the jewel damsel is dead, and i am losing fish fast, i don't know, i think i am just going to treat the fish with copper and this stuff called ampicillin, and then let my display tank run for three weeks to kill the ich indefinetley.i think i tried to start my tank to early. i don't know i'm just trying to save the fish i have, i didn't have time to let my quarantine tank cycle so i just used a hang on that was on my display tank and put it in my qt tank as well as some gravel from my dt. is this ok to do both cu and ampicillin at the same time?? my nitrates and ammonia are 0 my nitrates are always high and my ph is usually at 8.0. i just recently did a 30% water change now that my fish are inj the qt tank being treated. my sg according to a cheap plastic hydrometer, is 1.022. i don't have a test for dkh right at the moment. any suggestions would be helpful. for water movement i have a jbj 600 i believe and some other turbo fan thing i think is what it's called. i alse have a protein skimmer and a jebo 686 canister filter. once again any suggestions would be helpful.