The BIG Freeze !!


New Member
I have an 90 gallon oceanic tank with 4 Heniocus, 1 Blue Hippo, 4 Clowns, 1 Flame Angel, and 1 Yellow Tang.
Went to Vegas last Thursday for vacation (I live in Dallas, TX) and the temp. here at home was 78. No problem for the tank. Came back, temp. HERE in Dallas, TX was 52...wind chills in the 40s. Heat turned down in the house AND THE HEATER FOR THE FISH TANK WAS NOT PLUGGED IN.
What a mistake. Lost all 4 Hiniocus but the other fish are fine. Temp. in the tank was 71.5. I have been keeping it around 78-81.
I guess this is what did 'in' the Heniocus. They have been doing great for weeks. The water is near perfect and gets 20 gallons changed every 2 weeks.
Would a dramatic change in temp. of the water kill THIS type of fish? While the other ones survive?
Just looking for feedback.

tony detroit

Active Member
They should make it, just make temp changes slowly, fish are cold blooded, so 1 degree is a big change in body temp. Do it slowly. They should survive, surprisingly many marine fish are pretty tough.