The coolest tang ever !


I saw the baddest tang ever today ! my new lfs (all the other ones ive been to suck and the people are stupid) ... has a black tang thats about a foot long !!! its the size of a dinner plate!! i only wish i had a tank big enough!


The coolest one i saw was about 2 days ago. They had a baby blue regal tang. I swear to god this thing was no bigger than a dime. It was the cutest thing i've ever seen. I asked how much they wanted for it but they said it wasn't for sale since they usually die when they are this young. But one of the dudes that works up there was gonna take it home and try.


Active Member

Originally posted by theishkid
The coolest one i saw was about 2 days ago. They had a baby blue regal tang. I swear to god this thing was no bigger than a dime. It was the cutest thing i've ever seen. I asked how much they wanted for it but they said it wasn't for sale since they usually die when they are this young. But one of the dudes that works up there was gonna take it home and try.

My lfs has tons of those for sale.


how much do they sell them for? THis dude wouldn't even give me a price. He said they wouldn't sell it to a customer since it has a 90% chance of dieing. I don't want one, I've learned my lesson with tangs. Just curious if they are cheaper or more expensive than a grown up.


I got mine about that size, and i think it was about 50 dollar. she (Dori) is now about 2 inches.
they are all over (at least three fish store) in NJ that selling them, very small size.


Active Member
Ha, yers was just the size of a DIME??? The one I just saw was literally no larger one of yer smallest finger nails. I was just at the lfs, I put down money for my new 120 :D I saw the blue hippos, but I also saw sumthing terrible, which really puts things into perspective. There was a marron clown in a tank with a tomato clown, a yellow grouper (baby) and a squirrel fish. The Marroons fins were literally ripped to shreds, like, they were tattered so bad, I mistaked it for a crown tail betta. That just shows how evil tomatos can be.... I notified the owner of course, who promptly removed the clown to its own tank where it can either heal, or die a painful death


Chandler, what are the dimensions of your new 120? Mine are 48x24x24. I have to finish my stand first, and then it will be good to go. My tank is sitting on the floor in my office along with all my new equipment. I hate seeing it just sit there with nothing more I can do to it. LOL I just haven't had time to work on the stand because I'm pulling 15-16 hour days for the past month (it's my busy season - it all ends august 10!! ) :)


Active Member
Yea, same here, all glass aquarium, SUPER WIDE!! HE11ZYEA! LOL, for $300, mine comes WITH a wrought iron stand. Talk about a bargin. Brand new, someone used it as a reptile tank for a week, broke the cross frame, brought it back. Stickers and stuff are still on it. Owner of the lfs just ordered a new frame. All I need to do is make them wash it clean of reptileness, lol. Also, Black tangs are CRAZy expensive. They may seem cool, but totally not worth $200. Id rather get a harlequin tusk and an eel.


Hey AVBryce,
Saw that you are from Memphis. I just moved from there a year ago. What is the name of the new LFS in Memphis? Just curious. I sometimes go back up there and would like to visit a new LFS store to look around. Where in Memphis do you live? I used to live in Collierville.



Originally posted by Chandler04
Yea, same here, all glass aquarium, SUPER WIDE!! HE11ZYEA! LOL, for $300, mine comes WITH a wrought iron stand. Talk about a bargin. Brand new, someone used it as a reptile tank for a week, broke the cross frame, brought it back. Stickers and stuff are still on it. Owner of the lfs just ordered a new frame. All I need to do is make them wash it clean of reptileness, lol. Also, Black tangs are CRAZy expensive. They may seem cool, but totally not worth $200. Id rather get a harlequin tusk and an eel.

Sweet! Be sure to wash that tank out good. :) I got my tank for $310, with a 6x6 corner overflow, and 1.5" drain, painted black, etc. Very good quality, and well built. Low iron glass (not starphire though - but still not as green looking as normal glass).