The Cure



Ok, this is not about the band, so don't start! lol.
if you don't feel like reading the following story, skip to the bottom...
I recently read a thread about how to get nicer nails... in that thread, someone said that vitamin E gave them "glowing skin". For the past year, i've had a small problem with acne. Not like pizza face acne, but i always had at least 2 zits on my face. I purchase all sorts of facial products, including cleaners, astringents, and oil-free lotions, but none of them worked. After reading the above mentioned thread, i purchased a large bottle of vitamin E. When i read the bottle, it said that it's an antioxidant, and that it's designed to remove toxins from your body, causing your muscles and other tissue to become healthier. At first i was like "how's this going to help my skin", but then i remembered that zits are a result of having too many toxins in your body. when your other organs can't process them, those toxins get sent to your skin for processing... So i began taking vitamin E about 2 weeks ago. I have clear skin for the first time in a year!!! You have no idea how excited i am!!!
Now, i know that was a long explanation, so for those of you that just skipped to this part, i'll get right to the point. If someone told me the above "cure" to my ailment a long time ago, i wouldn't have had a year of suffering. So i figured it would be a good idea for everyone to tell us about cures to common ailments.. anything from ingrown toenails (ewww), to warts (not genital... ewww again), to the common cold, etc.


Active Member
My grandpa died many years ago, but when I was little I learned that he could buy warts. I was very skeptical, but eventually my dad convinced me to give it a try since I had a wart on my third finger of my left hand that had been there for as long as I could remember. day grandpa asks me if he can buy my wart. I said sure and he reached in his pocket and pulled out a nickel. He offered me a nickel for my wart and asked if I had any more he could buy. I said no, thinking this had to be the nuttiest man on earth. Several months passed and out of the blue my dad asks about the wart on my finger. I couldn't find it! I looked on every finger of both hands and I didn't have a single wart anywhere. That was over 25 years ago. About a year ago my daughter asked me what this thing on her finger was. It was a wart. My wife fiddled with it trying all the OTC wart treatments, but none seemed to work. I reluctantly told my wife about my grandpa buying my wart. She said she had heard stories from her grandma about people buying warts and asked if I could do it. I said "I don't know, I never tried" and she asked Sierra to come into the living room. I asked to buy her wart and she looked at me like I was stupid. I gave her a nickel and told her I'd bought her wart. She looked at it and again looked at me like I was even dumber than before because it was still there. I told her to wait a few weeks and see what happened. We all forgot about it until this Christmas when my wife's brother was having one treated by a doctor. We inspected my daughter's hands and they were wart-free. WOW! True story! I swear.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Socal, that is incredibly interesting.
On my end it's pretty damn creepy!!!


Active Member
I just bought my wife's wart for one dollar and I sold my finger nail fungus and toe nail fungus for a dollar each.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
I just bought my wife's wart for one dollar and I sold my finger nail fungus and toe nail fungus for a dollar each.
Who made the most money in that crazy transaction?!?!?! :notsure: :notsure:


Active Member
I ended up a dollar to the good. I got a toenail fungus like four or five years ago on the big toe of my left foot. I really did not care too much, it is just ugly as all get out. Well, about a year ago, it started to appear in the middle finger of my left hand. It is not too horrible on my hand yet, but I was concerned that it may be bad for the profession I am pursuing. I do not want people to be apprehensive to me touching them if they notice my finger. I looked into treatment options, but the drugs have some nasty side effects (heart failure and liver failure) and the success rate is about 50%. It is something I decided I would have to accept. Hopefully this selling stuff works.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Squidd
You can sell just about anything on E-Bay...
D'oh! I should've tried to sell it on E-Bay. I could have probably gotten way more than a buck!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
D'oh! I should've tried to sell it on E-Bay. I could have probably gotten way more than a buck!

You might have had to pay HAZMAT fees to ship it though!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by Bonebrake
Ms. Ragunas, how mg/day of Vitamin E are you taking?
Not to be anal or anything, but if she's married to Mr. Ragunas (and he is still alive) that would make her Mrs. Ragunas.


Active Member
socal that is way cool. We were always told to let a dog lick them and they would go away. Also, cover them with duck tape and they will go away.
OK, my grandma's favorite "cure" for a cold was to apply Vicks but not to the chest but to the feet of the babies. This worked just fine until my kids got old enough to walk and then it gave them a good skating lesson.
My man always tells me that s-e-x cures the common cold but maybe he is just taking advantage of me having a cold so often.

darth tang

Active Member
When anyone I know has hiccups, I tell them if they hiccup for me again I will give them ten dollars. Works everytime. They always stop.


lol... it's Mrs. Dragunas... lmao
and i'm taking 400iu a day...
rber, duct tape will fix anything!!! and it's weird that your hubby wants to take advantage of you while you're sick... ewww... that's like that episode of friends where monica's "not sick"
"i'm find"
"when you put a 'd' at the end of fine, you're not find"
"i'm find... i'm find... it's a hard word!"


and my mom started washing the counters and stuff with lysol... it cured her warts...
i had a planters wart on the bottom of my foot once (for those of you that don't know, a planters wart goes into your skin, instead of sticking out)... it was so bad i could stick a golf tee in it, and it would stand up straight... I tried everything, and i finally went to my pediotrist (sp?), and she put some acid on it, and it was gone in like 2 days! never had one since.