Ok, this is not about the band, so don't start! lol.
if you don't feel like reading the following story, skip to the bottom...
I recently read a thread about how to get nicer nails... in that thread, someone said that vitamin E gave them "glowing skin". For the past year, i've had a small problem with acne. Not like pizza face acne, but i always had at least 2 zits on my face. I purchase all sorts of facial products, including cleaners, astringents, and oil-free lotions, but none of them worked. After reading the above mentioned thread, i purchased a large bottle of vitamin E. When i read the bottle, it said that it's an antioxidant, and that it's designed to remove toxins from your body, causing your muscles and other tissue to become healthier. At first i was like "how's this going to help my skin", but then i remembered that zits are a result of having too many toxins in your body. when your other organs can't process them, those toxins get sent to your skin for processing... So i began taking vitamin E about 2 weeks ago. I have clear skin for the first time in a year!!! You have no idea how excited i am!!!
Now, i know that was a long explanation, so for those of you that just skipped to this part, i'll get right to the point. If someone told me the above "cure" to my ailment a long time ago, i wouldn't have had a year of suffering. So i figured it would be a good idea for everyone to tell us about cures to common ailments.. anything from ingrown toenails (ewww), to warts (not genital... ewww again), to the common cold, etc.
if you don't feel like reading the following story, skip to the bottom...
I recently read a thread about how to get nicer nails... in that thread, someone said that vitamin E gave them "glowing skin". For the past year, i've had a small problem with acne. Not like pizza face acne, but i always had at least 2 zits on my face. I purchase all sorts of facial products, including cleaners, astringents, and oil-free lotions, but none of them worked. After reading the above mentioned thread, i purchased a large bottle of vitamin E. When i read the bottle, it said that it's an antioxidant, and that it's designed to remove toxins from your body, causing your muscles and other tissue to become healthier. At first i was like "how's this going to help my skin", but then i remembered that zits are a result of having too many toxins in your body. when your other organs can't process them, those toxins get sent to your skin for processing... So i began taking vitamin E about 2 weeks ago. I have clear skin for the first time in a year!!! You have no idea how excited i am!!!
Now, i know that was a long explanation, so for those of you that just skipped to this part, i'll get right to the point. If someone told me the above "cure" to my ailment a long time ago, i wouldn't have had a year of suffering. So i figured it would be a good idea for everyone to tell us about cures to common ailments.. anything from ingrown toenails (ewww), to warts (not genital... ewww again), to the common cold, etc.