The cutest thing EVAR!


Active Member

I couldn't resist - I now have two Pandas! Between the two of them, total length 3/4". The little crag they're holing up in is 1.5 - maybe 1.75" long


Active Member
You have two?!!!
That's awesome. I thought these were really hard to care for. They are amazingly cute. Have they been known to spawn in captivity?


Active Member
Well, in all honesty, I had an incident with a not so reef friendly shrimp a little while ago. In the process of catching it, I saw everything in my tank except my Panda. I figured it was a victim too so, having rid myself of the shrimp, I bought the last Panda LFS had.
What I've been able to find out about them (which is very little) is that they really like Pocillopora corals to hang out in. I don't have the lighting to keep SPS, but supposedly, they don't have to have them. It's not a symbiotic relationship, but that is where they lay their eggs. (They'll lay on Acropora too, but the Acro will die off where they lay their eggs from what I understand.)
Meantime, I put the 2nd one in about 5 days ago. They've obviously hooked up, and have been out palling around since yesterday. If I do have a pair, I am definitely investigating a breeding set up.
They're doing great. I have an abundance of pods, and I feed my corals Zoo and Phyto, which they're obviously taking advantage of. As is typical for gobies (firefish excepted), they're just a little shy.


Those are freaking sick! Oh and adorable i guess. I'm going to have to talk to my lfs about some.
*future 5 gal project rattles in brain*