The easiest question in the world...

mike j

Myself, the beginner, has the most simple question to ask of you.
Is this copper treatment I have been hearing about safe to use with live rock?
The only reason I ask is so that I can place my first two fish (chromis) in the tank after cycling, and don't have to buy a hospital tank right away. The next additions won't be until I get the hang of things so I was hoping to purchase the additional tank and equipment later.
Ahhh yes, the budget of a high school student <img src="graemlins//yeahright.gif" border="0" alt="[yeahright]" />


Active Member
no, it is not, and is not safe for your substrate or anything, once copper is in hte tank, it is in there, and
all you need for a hospital or q tank is any cheap tank, you can get a walmart special or somethignused for under 50 bucks wiht almost everythign(used even much cheaper)

mike j

thats again fshhub, I guess my only option is the Qtank afterall. Would you recommend Qing chromis? They would be my first fish and haven't heard stories of them being exceptionally prone to disease. Or would I just be better off QTing them as well and play it safe?


Active Member
i would q everything, but to answerr your q the chromis are not too succeptible to disease or parasites, BUT, all it takes is one time, like i said, just get a cheapo, anything with a cheap filter,and cheap lighting, no substrate, adn some pvc for housing and hididng in, that is all, it can actually be done for a little more than a bottle of ick medicine i have seen packages at my lfs for only 30 someodd buck, and i am sure walmart would be cheaper, and or even used, all you need is heat and a chepa filter, lighting really does not need to be more than room lighting in a q tank

mike j

thanks fshhub, call me an idiot, but what is pvc?
you must be able to tell how new I really am now! :p


Active Member
poly vynil chloride???
i think,
it is white plastic plumbing, household plumbing
won't say you are obviously new, b/c many mis taht not thinking about home plumbing supplies

mike j

oh yes, I knew it would be a groaner, thanks as always fshhub!
I'll pick that up when I get my 77g. tank w/supplies on Thursday.
C'mon Thursday!!! :D


pvc is the tubing you see plubers use . its just plastic of sorts . any thing to hide in i think he means. :)


Active Member
YEP, BUT plastic is best, it is cheap and easy to get and disposible if need be,and the meds if ever needed will not hurt it, liek lr or sand or even rock
tanks gator