The Finding Nemo movie...


What are the actual species names for those fish? Can they all live in a 37 gallon tank comfortably? (im talking flo, nemo, dory, the one with the scar, exc) My kids are obsessed with that movie and our intentions for the tank were to inhabit those types of fish for our tank.


duh, sorry.. got a bit hasty with the thread, i shouldve used the search engine...
Marlin - Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris
Nemo - Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris
Dory - Hippo tang, blue tang, regal tang, etc - Paracanthurus hepatus
Coral - Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris
Gill - Morish Idol - Zanclus canescens
Bloat - Porcupine Fish, Puffer Fish - Diodon holacanthus Caribbean
Gurgle - Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto
Deb - Humbug Damselfish - Dascyllus melanurus
Bubbles - Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens
Jaque - Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis
got the species list.. now what about them living together?? which ones can and cant live together.


Umm I am not sure what two of the fish are in the movies but here is my answer.
Dory in real life is a blue tang! Tangs are very fast and need a lot of swimming room! And i mean A LOT!! A 37 gallon is way to small to host a tang! You can get away with a 55! but your best bet would be to get a tank like mine A 75 gallon. (OR BIGGER) A pair of clownfish (nemo) would do great in a tank that size! So sorry!
Hope you find a solution!


I would like to do a butterfly that looks similar to the real gil, stinks about dory, i really like the look of her.. what about a yellow tang? Nemo was a give-in and was at the top of the list of our first fish to get... what about flo.. the one who obsessed with herself in the mirror...


its basically very difficult to do. for that one with the "scar"gil(morisol idol) you would need like a +200g tank before you should even thing about getting one. they really cannot live in captivity. there was a member here that had one in his 400g i think but had to get rid of him cuz it was attacking his Rays. i think there was someone else that had one but im not 100% sure.
but to make your kids happy buy them a pair of Clowns,cleaner shrimp, and a royal gamma and they will be happy. made my GF happy for a while until i got a "dory" hippo tang in my tank then she was upset she couldnt have one.


Its so disappointing we dont have a tank big enough for the hippo tang.. they are so beautiful


Originally Posted by ADEE
duh, sorry.. got a bit hasty with the thread, i shouldve used the search engine...
Marlin - Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris
Nemo - Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris
Dory - Hippo tang, blue tang, regal tang, etc - Paracanthurus hepatus
Coral - Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris
Gill - Morish Idol - Zanclus canescens
Bloat - Porcupine Fish, Puffer Fish - Diodon holacanthus Caribbean
Gurgle - Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto
Deb - Humbug Damselfish - Dascyllus melanurus
Bubbles - Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens
Jaque - Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis
got the species list.. now what about them living together?? which ones can and cant live together.
The Heniochus Butterfly looks similar to a moorish idol, but can get to be around 10" (too large for your tank). Off of the Nemo list IMO you could go with the clown, royal gramma, and the Humbug Damsel...though I think they are off on this identification. The humbug as I know it, is black and white striped. The humbug only gets around 3-4" so it would work, but it is your typical damsel (mean). I would not put any tang in that size tank. They are swimmers, and though the size may be applicable, there simply is not enough room for them to "stretch" their legs.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Life~Reefer
Dory in real life is a blue tang! Tangs are very fast and need a lot of swimming room! And i mean A LOT!! A 37 gallon is way to small to host a tang! You can get away with a 55! but your best bet would be to get a tank like mine A 75 gallon. (OR BIGGER)
you would actually try to fit a blue hippo tang in a 55 or 75 gallon tank?
anyways, yeah. a couple clowns are cool, i used to have clowns and a yellowtail blue damsel, and my baby cousins decided that they were nemo and dory. the damsel isnt the exact same as dory, but its the bite size version, basically. if your kids are young enough, they probably wont know the difference anyways.
and yeah, i agree. the tank in the movie was crap.


Active Member
you could do either a pygmy angel or blue reef chromas in place of a hippo, a pair of clowns and a royal gramma
