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duh, sorry.. got a bit hasty with the thread, i shouldve used the search engine...
Marlin - Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris
Nemo - Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris
Dory - Hippo tang, blue tang, regal tang, etc - Paracanthurus hepatus
Coral - Clown fish - Amphiprion ocellaris
Gill - Morish Idol - Zanclus canescens
Bloat - Porcupine Fish, Puffer Fish - Diodon holacanthus Caribbean
Gurgle - Royal Gramma - Gramma loreto
Deb - Humbug Damselfish - Dascyllus melanurus
Bubbles - Yellow Tang - Zebrasoma flavescens
Jaque - Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp - Lysmata amboinensis
got the species list.. now what about them living together?? which ones can and cant live together.
The Heniochus Butterfly looks similar to a moorish idol, but can get to be around 10" (too large for your tank). Off of the Nemo list IMO you could go with the clown, royal gramma, and the Humbug Damsel...though I think they are off on this identification. The humbug as I know it, is black and white striped. The humbug only gets around 3-4" so it would work, but it is your typical damsel (mean). I would not put any tang in that size tank. They are swimmers, and though the size may be applicable, there simply is not enough room for them to "stretch" their legs.