The fish I picked up in Denver for free ...


Active Member
yellow tang,firefish,mated clowns fighting conch,sand star

all arrived safely from the 7+hour trip



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Originally Posted by coachKLM
in styro containers with there own gallon baggies
(water changes with every pee/gas break.)
With what water??? Good job though!!!


Active Member
i asked him for a couple bags of his tank water. simple siphon and about 10% water change per gallon baggie every -2hrs

since i knew he fed his fish...they pollute the water fairly quickly when not "starved" before shipment


Active Member
Originally Posted by coachKLM
i asked him for a couple bags of his tank water. simple siphon and about 10% water change per gallon baggie every -2hrs

since i knew he fed his fish...they pollute the water fairly quickly when not "starved" before shipment
Smart thinking!!!! Way to go!!!!!


Active Member
did you add them all at once?? justw ondering caus ei thought u couldnt do that but if ya did thats awesome!


Active Member
no acclimation is key after long trip the yellow tang was put in quarntine for 8hrs the mated pair were drip and temp acclimated for 2hrs. everything else was also 2 hrs. as they were ready to get out of the bags.

plus i didnt want the tang to become aggresive by adding him early.