Originally Posted by
crypt keeper
Okay. Odd question. I dont know if I have the full blown flu, but my body started to ache the past two days and has started to get worse by the day. Today I woke up and felt like I was in a car accident. My body hurts like I have the full blown flu. I have had the flu a few times and its exactly what it feels like. Yet I have no other symptoms except Im not really hungry. I also eat a lot about 5000 calories a day. I ate a little just to stop my stomach from grumbling. Anybody else ever had like a dry flu?
Do you have a temperature? Most people with flu have a temp of 100+. One of the reasons for body aches. Different types of flu as well. You could have Type A, B, or H1N1, and not experience nausea per sey. Just the body aches and fever. As Flower suggested, I would go see a doctor if your condition worsens, or doesn't get better with 24 hours of the symptoms. They have tests to validate whether you have the flu or not.
In the interim, drink lots of fluids, get bed rest, and monitor your temperature. Over The Counter flu meds can relieve the symptoms as far as the fever and body aches.