The freakiest things ever wow


So i was passing by my 125 RT asking my wife if she has seen our BTT (Blue throat triggerfish) she said no but he has to be in there somewhere he can't disappear... well all of the sudden we heard flapping on the floor next to the tank. We both screamed I quickly picked up the fish softly and gentley put him back in the water. He started freaking out going crazy spinning like a mad man shaking all fins breathing haevily going nuts.. Then he started to settle down and now he just hid in a rock all day and all night after 3 days he finally came out for some food for 10 min then sawm a little then went back into hiding. I have no experience with this and we were all in shock I put in some stress quote and prayed hes pull through.
1-no one knows how long he was outside of water (how long can a trigger fish survive outside water )
2-no one knows how he got out the tanks is covered just a few open spots a few inches wide for heaters power heads and filters.(trigger fish dont jump)
3-no one knows what happends to a fish when they fall 6 feet down on a marble floor. (any internal bleeding ?)
This is 3 days later and the fish has some scars on the body and fins but would seem to be pulling through what more can I do but wait and prey he makes it ?
besdies stress coat daily.
If anyone can answer these questions thanks this spooked me and my wife out alot.

First thing i did was check all levels top to bottom and the were perfect same as always same consistant readings this is a fluke thing thats i can not explain.


sorry about your trigger, hope it pulls thru...
if it didnt die my guess would be that he wasnt out of the tank for more than a few minutes? less than five


Wow....I'm glad he's alive! Hope he's okay. He's probably hiding just because he's freaked out...but eating is a good sign.


how can he get out ?The levels were prefect and they are not known for jumping ?
and the tanks is covered mostly. This is an anomole I can't get it , Please someone enlighten me so I can sleep.


you said its completely covered? what about during feeding? do you open the lid?
maybe you, or your wife or someone in the fam... opened the lid to feed or w/e and forgot to close it?
just a tought


by whom it is the most aggresive fishin the tank its areef filled with smaller fish hes the largest the purple tang will cause him to jump out on the floor ? I had thes tank makets for a long time and never had any problems they gte along just fine and all inverts are afe and sound. this is a mystery. please help


what would be a reason for a btt to jump out of a 125 rt after beeing in it for over a year with the same tank mates. 2 ;can he even jumpout i mean the tank is covered there are a few opennings but he would have to shoot up like a torpedo avoid the MH lighting go sidways its not common its not like hes a wrasse they jump. hes a trigger they do not jump someone heeeeelp.


Originally Posted by Espkh9
by whom it is the most aggresive fishin the tank its areef filled with smaller fish hes the largest the purple tang will cause him to jump out on the floor ? I had thes tank makets for a long time and never had any problems they gte along just fine and all inverts are afe and sound. this is a mystery. please help

fish dont just get spooked by stuff inside the aquariums... they also can get spooked by stuff outside the aquarium... for ex... slammed doors? quick movements by you etc...


-no one knows how long he was outside of water (how long can a trigger fish survive outside water )
2-no one knows how he got out the tanks is covered just a few open spots a few inches wide for heaters power heads and filters.(trigger fish dont jump)
3-no one knows what happends to a fish when they fall 6 feet down on a marble floor. (any internal bleeding ?)
This is 3 days later and the fish has some scars on the body and fins but would seem to be pulling through what more can I do but wait and prey he makes it ?
besdies stress coat daily.
If anyone can answer these questions thanks this spooked me and my wife out alot.


any fish can jump. just keep an eye on him and make sure he continues to eat and if ur water parameters are good his wounds will heal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by coralreefer
are triggers reef safe?

Depends on who you ask.
I personally wouldnt add one, maybe a Niger but even then your putting your tank on a limb.
They adore inverts and can tear apart a tank to get to them. A small 4 or 5 inch trigger can move rocks you wouldn't believe when motivated.
They can grab corals and swim around the tank the way dogs carry toys.
Obviously they do not ALL do this but it is risky business mixing a trigger in a reef.


Active Member
Any fish will jump if startled, like someone mentioned, it could have been outside the tank, a sudden movement maybe? I had a midas blenny who hit a garage floor and was out of water for at least several mins. He was on a pice of LR i took out of the tank, walked across the house with to the garage. It was still on the LR as I took a hammer to the rock and broke it into sever pieces. I then carried a couple of pieces across the house and into the tank. Went back for the last larger piece and as i was carring it across the garage, my midas jumped or fell off the rock.He had scale damage and looked beat up for afew weeks, but completely recovered.


I think a BTT and a crosshatch triggerfish are more reef safe than a niger although I know ppl that kept a Niger in thier reefs for years.


hmmm idk why he jumped but i used to have a trigger and a eel and everytime you would walk by the aquarium the trigger would get excited and move faster...
lose volts or whatever its called? sometimes makes a fish jump...
I had my snowflake eel jump out of my aquarium and i think he was out for a good 20 mins then my dad threw him in the aquarium freaking out and eel just sunk to the bottom and just came alive all of a soden...
trigger should survive unless bad internal injury...