The Glob is eating new coral!


New Member
Could you please look at my post under disease and look at pics on new coral and tell me what it is? It is titled The Glob!


New Member
Thought I would go ahead and post some of the pics here. The Glob is no larger than 5cm but has totally engulfed a baby ricordea yuma that is next to its parent. Have you ever seen anything like this? There are several spots of this in my tank in the same area now. I am sure it arrived with some of the new coral that I received in mail yesterday. The first pic was taken of the baby yuma at 4pm, the second at 9pm. The third pic is of white gooey substance that just grew today as well.



Active Member
from i am seeing, the mushrooms r closing, therefore looking like some white stuff is engulfing it.


Active Member
looks like brown jelly disease a protozoan infection if you will. possibly contagious. google brown jelly disease. there is some really good information available out there.


New Member
Thanks for the info. I tried to siphon the goo off the baby yuma, but yuma and goo all came up last night. I read up on the brown jelly disease. Good to know information and I will keep an eye out for this as well. Right now, it is hard to say exactly what caused this. Oh well, we live and learn. Just hope the rest of the coral doesn't get what ever it was! Thanks again!