The Great Indoor Fight


New Member
I've decided that the usual snark-filled recap discount dvd sets format doesn't work on this show. Plot holes are a good three-quarters of the point of a show like this. So I'm going to try Embracing the Awesome. entourage seasons 1-6 dvd Let's see how that goes! With any luck, this episode will have some Awesome to Embrace.
So here we go. Bam! Chance is kickboxing! I've bones dvd set heard that it's the sport of the future, although I think Mixed Martial Arts has taken its place. At any rate, Chance and Unnamed Opponent gilmore girls seasons 1-7 dvd trade blows as people in tuxedos watch from some kind of Galactic Senate setup until Chance gets hit right on the top of the head. We go to the now inevitable caption telling us how we got here. zumba fitness dvd set "Four Days Earlier." I like that they're mixing it up a little. I hope they do a "five seconds earlier" one at some point ishiner.