The "How To" Thread



OK, i was thinking, and i thought that it would be a great idea for everyone to share a "how to" with everyone else. This can be about anything in life... how to get out of a parking ticket, how to cheat on your tax returns, how to... you get the jist
There are three simple steps to this.
1. Never make a late payment on any account. To the credit bureau, a payment is considered "late" if it is made 30 days after it's due. So if your credit card payment is due on September 1st, and you don't make the payment until Ocober 3rd, that's a "late" payment. However, if you make the payment on September 29th, that's not considered "late".
2. Don't overextend your credit. The rule of thumb, is that on a revolving line (meaning a line where you can continue to use the credit, prime example being a credit card), your balance should be less than or equal to 50% of your credit limit. Anything over that implies that you're low on money, and you NEED the credit. This shows bad money management skills.
3. Don't have too many pulls on your credit report. It's ok for someone to pull your credit every once in a while, but if you allow multiple pulls (this mainly means credit card applications), it shows you are desperate for credit, and will in turn cause your credit score to drop.
I have learned this after many years in the

industry, and thought it would be helpful for those of you who don't know what affects your credit.
Anyone else have a "HOW TO" to share with us? Please label the title of your section with caps, at the top of the post, for a quick reference guide. Hopefully we'll get a lot of insight, as many people on here are in different fields of work, and have different expertices (sp?).


Active Member
Take the grates off and place them in your self cleaning oven. Run the clean cycle then just dust them off and oil them. Since both the oven and grille are in use, that's a perfect excuse for CHINESE!!!!!


Active Member
ok.. take a new clean peice of paper.. then fold it in half.. the long way.. then the short way.. next open it up... hold the top right corner of the paper with your right hand.. then hold the bottom left forner with your left hand.. now.. slowly bring your hands together.. in a crumbling motion.. and thats how u make a paper bolder!!!! hahahahha


Active Member
how to.....
successfully get rid of a hangover.
The key is to tackle it before it happens. so many times people wake up with the pounding bass drum in their heads. definitely saying the phrase "Im never going to drink again" its funny because 9 out of 10, the next fun night you have you say, "Im only going to have a couple" which we all know turns into 10 or 12. so this perpetual cycle of nasty headaches, uneasy stomachs, and wishing wishing you didnt drink as much as you did doesnt end. So folks the cure is out there (besides the obvious, dont drink that much, but how much fun can you really have?). all you need is a few ibuproffen, a drinking glass, and your typical standard issue water faucett. first you take the glass, fill it up with water, cold preferably, take 2-4 250mg ibuproffen (i prefer advil gel caps), swallow the advil, drink glass of water, then go to bed. this means before you go to sleep for the night. not the next day, because who wants to try get rid of it when you have it? its better to get rid of the problem before it starts.


Active Member
how to....
take an ice-cold shower while waiting for your hot water heater repairman to show up 3 days later.
turn on the shower and jump in immediately. the warmest of the ice-cold water is closest to being above ground. douse yourself and TURN IT OFF! then take your time soaping up, doing your hair last so you can see until the end. TURN IT ON! rinse your freezing a.. off and jump out. i kept a hair dryer on the sink blowing hot to help (don't grab when wet) dry and jump and curse alot. now you are awake and ready for work.