there are only pictures... it was on the bbc this morning and it is like 22 feet long, but FIRST TIME EVER! They discovered from this that it seems that these big dudes are ACTIVE HUNTERS! the pics were taken at 300 feet bsl
I remember seeing a show on the discovery channel a while back about them trying to capture baby giant squids. They did finally capture one and kept it alive (which was rather difficult for them to do). I think they planned on keeping one in a tank and seeing how it would grow... but all the test subjects ended up dying.
It showed up yesterday on my yahoo homepage news. Lets find something new then rip it's legs off!!!!!
They should have released the bait before the squid got close enough to get hurt. They said that it would not grow back but wouldn'd pose a health risk to the squid. I say we pull his (the japanese dude) legs off then throw him into the pacific to see how well he does. Maybe the squid will find him and kick his ANUS!
well im glad they did it FINALLY!
up next...lizard man!
after that megamouth sharks!
if im correct, havent they found megamouth's?
i would still like to find a megaladon.
they said celacanths were extinct, then they found them swimming off of africa, if im correct.
but never photoed live ones, correct? Latimeria chalumnae was found 1938 in africa, they are seen very rarely, and the genus is named after the discoverer (can't remember specific name as of this moment, who got it from a local friend and fisherman, who knew she was a marine biologist, she sent it to a london museum, where they said it was fake. It turned out that locals had been using L. chalumnae's skin as pipe cleaner for many years for their bikes.