the life and times of a feather duster...


New Member
Hey All ~ Purchased an establised tank three weeks ago and all has been smooth sailing. Tonight we learned that there are feather dusters in the LR! They must have thrown their crowns before/during the move? Now that we have learned of our newest additions I am wondering about some other stuff and was unable to glean as much info as I would have liked from old threads. :thinking:
So, regarding Feather Dusters, , , How big can they get? Do they move of their own accord? Are they asexual?
:notsure: I did happen to come across an old thread that mentioned white growths resembling spongy cotton balls on the LR. We have also discovered those in the tank recently. Does this set off any triggers for anyone? Our levels are good and we just did our first water change. Sorry no pics.
Have learned much over the course of six or so weeks that have been on the site. Many thanks!


Feather Dusters are worms and repoduce accordingly.
There are many different types, from the "Barnicle" to the Hawian Feather Duster (sorry for the spelling, its late and Iv had a few beers). Some hardshel, some softshell.
If these are inseed feather dusters, you want to be feeding them phytoplancton to encorage growth.
Yes, they can move about on their own. But when they find a spot they like, they will anchor themselves down. At that point, its best not to disturb them unless its unavoidible.
These creaturs will throw their crowns. Iv herd of people extracting the worm and putting it in the trash thinking its dead when this occures. (lol, my clown ins sleeping in its anemony!)...
They seem to prefer a medim ot slow current, but they can cope with a strong current is one exists.
They arnt light dependat, so if you plan to stock anemonies and corrals, you can try and place the worms in darker/ shadier areas where the other inverts prefer not to be.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Fraggle_a
Feather Dusters are worms and repoduce accordingly.
There are many different types, from the "Barnicle" to the Hawian Feather Duster (sorry for the spelling, its late and Iv had a few beers). Some hardshel, some softshell.
If these are inseed feather dusters, you want to be feeding them phytoplancton to encorage growth.
Yes, they can move about on their own. But when they find a spot they like, they will anchor themselves down. At that point, its best not to disturb them unless its unavoidible.
These creaturs will throw their crowns. Iv herd of people extracting the worm and putting it in the trash thinking its dead when this occures. (lol, my clown ins sleeping in its anemony!)...
They seem to prefer a medim ot slow current, but they can cope with a strong current is one exists.
They arnt light dependat, so if you plan to stock anemonies and corrals, you can try and place the worms in darker/ shadier areas where the other inverts prefer not to be.
I don't think he's talking about those types of feather dusters. I believe he's talking about those hitchhiker mini dusters. As far as I know, they don't grow too much bigger. I don't see the biggest ones in mine is getting any bigger. They just stay small....They will produce for you if conditions are right. Too many can mean you have a lot of nutrients within your system. Mine produced a bunch cause I keep my tank well fed, but now with the new sump/fuge system, that will change. Same with those sponges!!! My sponges have declined big time, so I know the nutrient level is much lower now then before. I'm trying to keep as much of those dusters alive as possible cause we really like'em!! :happyfish


Oh okay.
Yea, they sounds like "Barnicles" to me.
Pesky little worms that attach theselves to anything. The ones Im not familiar with are about half the size of a nickle, white and pretty tough. I used to see them all the time in the rockpools where I lived.