the list more noob.....


New Member
First of all i want to say hi and thanks for having such a great forum. My name is Joe I have been reading everything i can for the past week and it really changed my ideas on what i need to do to make a successful tank.
Let me tell you what im working with. I know its not the best idea for a tank now after reading the forums but its what i have and can afford for now.
I have a eclipse 12........the good thing about this was my friend gave me the tank 5-7 pounds of sand and 6 gallons of established water from his 55 and 30 saltwater tank. He also gave me 4 large rocks. Part of the deal was i get a bubble tip anemone, and two clowns. Now after doing some reading i dont think its the best idea to take them now. I just cant seem to find a good post about what i can put in my tank being that it is so small.
Now this isnt my first tank but its my first saltwater. The last tank i had was a 55 gallon with fantail goldfish. They lived through anything so it was rather easy. The 55 has since left my possesion to a family member who is using it.......
So in short i just wanted to introduce myself since you will be hearing from me in the future im sure. Im sure many noobs have come and gone, it seems like so much at first. Anyways any input or ideas are great. Oh and please
dont tell me a bigger tank....i know i know i know.....


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hemey
First of all i want to say hi and thanks for having such a great forum. My name is Joe I have been reading everything i can for the past week and it really changed my ideas on what i need to do to make a successful tank.
Let me tell you what im working with. I know its not the best idea for a tank now after reading the forums but its what i have and can afford for now.
I have a eclipse 12........the good thing about this was my friend gave me the tank 5-7 pounds of sand and 6 gallons of established water from his 55 and 30 saltwater tank. He also gave me 4 large rocks. Part of the deal was i get a bubble tip anemone, and two clowns. Now after doing some reading i dont think its the best idea to take them now. I just cant seem to find a good post about what i can put in my tank being that it is so small.
Now this isnt my first tank but its my first saltwater. The last tank i had was a 55 gallon with fantail goldfish. They lived through anything so it was rather easy. The 55 has since left my possesion to a family member who is using it.......
So in short i just wanted to introduce myself since you will be hearing from me in the future im sure. Im sure many noobs have come and gone, it seems like so much at first. Anyways any input or ideas are great. Oh and please
dont tell me a bigger tank....i know i know i know.....
Welcome I dont know what livestock you can have in that but check out the nano section. I am sure it will give you alot of ideas.


Active Member
If all the water parameters are okay 2 clowns will be fine. Definitely no anemone though.


New Member
wow thanks for the fast response's. thanks for the links to i will get right on reading those. my real name is joe, nickname is hemey (pronounced HeeeeMeeee) call me what u want. Can i ask real quick what nano is?
Also does it matter that these clowns are attached to these anemones. They love them in my friends tank and i dont want to take them away i might hurt there feelings or something :(


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hemey
wow thanks for the fast response's. thanks for the links to i will get right on reading those. my real name is joe, nickname is hemey (pronounced HeeeeMeeee) call me what u want. Can i ask real quick what nano is?
Also does it matter that these clowns are attached to these anemones. They love them in my friends tank and i dont want to take them away i might hurt there feelings or something :(
A nano is just another word for small tank. If you go to that section you will see alot of really nice tanks. With alot of good info.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Hemey
wow thanks for the fast response's. thanks for the links to i will get right on reading those. my real name is joe, nickname is hemey (pronounced HeeeeMeeee) call me what u want. Can i ask real quick what nano is?
Also does it matter that these clowns are attached to these anemones. They love them in my friends tank and i dont want to take them away i might hurt there feelings or something :(
It won't matter. Chances are they'll host in some other coral. They do fine with no host at all.


New Member
i didnt understand that comment either spanko..

anyone know why i cant see pictures in the post? im sorry to bother i will look now to see if i can find a answer. thanks everyone for ur help!


New Member
well im glad to say after doing some looking i found my 55 gallon tank. Its at my soon to be mother-in-laws. Gonna go pick it up this weekend. Solved my problems for now.......any good suggestions for a nice setup ie. filter, skimmer, other parts, fish, coral, i want it all.