We have a 120 gal. 48x24x24. It will be a FOWLR. We are new to SW aquariums so this will be our first. This is what we would like to get after we cycle our tank in about two months. Please let us know what you think!
1 Threadfin Butterfly
2 Maroon Clownfish
1 Snowflake Eel
1 Valentini Puffer
1 Bicolor Angelfish
Also, I've read that you should only add one fish per month maybe even every two. Is there a certain order we should get the fish, if this is even an okay list? Would a mandarin dragonet be okay in there after a year or so? THANKS!!!
I had this in another thread, but thought maybe this would be a better one.... if not..... sorry guys!
1 Threadfin Butterfly
2 Maroon Clownfish
1 Snowflake Eel
1 Valentini Puffer
1 Bicolor Angelfish
Also, I've read that you should only add one fish per month maybe even every two. Is there a certain order we should get the fish, if this is even an okay list? Would a mandarin dragonet be okay in there after a year or so? THANKS!!!
I had this in another thread, but thought maybe this would be a better one.... if not..... sorry guys!