The Little sheet thingy which splits water up?!?!


Hey guys, i just finished building my 4 compartment sump and i am going to add a bioball thingy in the first compartment but whats the best thing to split up the water? If you guys know what i mean, the sheet of something that makes a single channel of water split into hundreds so that all the bioballs get water?
Thanks guys,
Heres a artists impression of my sump and the bioball thingy.


Active Member
it's just a filter pad. ( like a micron filter i think it called ) go to the local fish store (lfs) and ask for filter media


Active Member
Normally use a flat pcs of acrilic with lots of holes drilled in it. Shallow pan like thing. Lay it on top of the balls. May be able to find some kind of thing at the store for cooking/serveing food in and drill it. It can hold fiber floss too if you want.